Asus ROG GL702VS BIOS Windows 10 64bit Update
How to Enter and Update Asus ROG GL702VS BIOS for Windows 10 64bit Download Link
Asus ROG GL702VS BIOS Setup
How to install the Asus ROG GL702VS BIOS update using a USB flash drive:
- Download the Asus ROG GL702VS BIOS Update file. For example. 02VSKAS311
- Unzip the file and copy it to an USB disk.
- Connect the USB flash drive and restart the Asus ROG GL702VS.
- Press the press and hold down the F2 key on your keyboard. You only have a few seconds to press the key before the computer enters its normal boot process. This action should boot the computer up in BIOS mode, which is a gray and blue screen with a number of different settings.
- Using the arrow keys, Select [Advanced] then select [Start Easy Flash].
- You can select either the external storage or local disk.
- Please select the BIOS file from the USB disk then click Yes.
- Click YES to update
- It will take about 2 minutes to complete the update.
- Restart the Notebook.
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